Partner with a Canopy Expert
You can trust our Certified Partners to complete a fast, accurate data breach response with Canopy Software.

Need an incident response data mining provider?
Our Certified Partners are trained by the Canopy Team on how to most efficiently use our software. Every provider on the list below can meet your data assessment & review needs, and many provide notification services as well. Click the button on each card to learn more and get in touch.

A specialist data breach response provider that focuses on using advanced analytics to carry out efficient, targeted reviews.

Avalon Cyber
Avalon Cyber is a full-service MSSP offering security assessments, system and network monitoring, and reactive cyber services.

Berkeley Research Group
Berkeley Research Group (BRG) provides full service privacy consulting services and data breach response coaching.

Cyber Collab
📄Review | ✉️Notification
Cyber Collab is a boutique consultancy enabling clients to protect their information from cyber-attacks.

📄Review | ✉️Notification
cyberSuite offers end-to-end cyber risk advisory, data breach response, and breach coaching services.

DWF pairs Canopy’s AI-driven data mining solution with world class review teams to respond to clients’ cyber incidents quickly and effectively.

eDiscovery Collab
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An award-winning boutique eDiscovery consultancy collaborating with clients to respond when a data breach occurs.

📄Review | ✉️Notification
Elevate delivers world-class review efficiency and notification lists with scalable, global data mining and review teams.

Emergence Insurance
Emergence's core purpose is providing specialist cyber insurance cover for Personal, SME, and Enterprise customers.

📄Review | ✉️Notification
Epiq’s breach response team works 24/7 to identify Personal Data and create notification lists for 100–100m affected parties.

Cyber discovery for data breach incident responses: post-data breach discovery and review services from HaystackID.

Incident Response Solutions Limited
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We are forensic experts who will help you prepare for, respond to, and recover from data and privacy incidents.

KLDiscovery’s technology-enabled services and expertise solve data-driven problems in the wake of cybersecurity incidents.

📄Review | ✉️Notification
Pragma is a CREST approved global provider of cybersecurity solutions.

Wotton + Kearney
📄Review | ✉️Notification
Wotton + Kearney has a market-leading team handling cyber & privacy defence claims, incident response and cyber forensics.