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The Inflated Cost of Data Breach Response (And How We Got Here)

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As a segment of incident response, the need for data breach response appeared seemingly overnight. Amid the commotion, parallel sectors like ediscovery pulled together a process that got the job done. But rushed solutions to complex problems ­— while sometimes necessary — rarely stand up to the test of time.

Download this white paper to explore:

  • The data breach response sector's regulatory landscape.
  • Which adaptive approaches helped organizations comply in the beginning.
  • What we've learned about effective breach investigations, review, and response over the past few years.
  • How (and why) entrenched institutions have made it challenging to implement change alongside technology advancements.

Get the White Paper

“If there’s a better, faster, and cheaper alternative for data breach response, why isn’t everyone offering it?”

The answer is simple: the better way is not as lucrative for many now-entrenched review providers.


Per Project Review Costs

Approach has a huge impact on data breach budgets. A single project can cost hundreds of thousands — or even millions — of dollars more when using ediscovery tools & techniques versus software that's purpose-built for data breach response.