"If we were handling this project using traditional methods, we would have needlessly reviewed 4x as many documents to find the same amount of PII."
Senior Director, Co-Lead
Canopy Partner’s Data Breach Response Group
The Challenge
A company in the Insurance sector experienced a data breach on a company file share, potentially compromising 440 GB of data (one million documents). They enlisted a Canopy Partner's managed review services to locate the personally identifiable information (PII).
The Solution
Instead of leaning on traditional data mining methods like keyword searching, regular expressions (regex), and pattern matching, this review provider chose Canopy’s Data Breach Response software. Purpose-built AI & machine learning algorithms processed the data, detected PII with precision, and sped up review workflows.
"Canopy’s PII detection alone saved us thousands of review hours. Not only were we looking at less stuff, but we were looking at the right stuff."
Managing Director, Co-Lead
Canopy Partner’s Data Breach Response Group
The Result
Automatic PII report on Day 1
AI zeroed in on PII with precision & accuracy
Flagged 15% of data set for PII Review (compared to 60% with over-inclusive ediscovery methods)
Software efficiencies & workflows sped up PII Review & Entity Consolidation
Saved client over $300,000 on this review
More Documents = Longer PII Review
Canopy's advanced AI & machine learning algorithms get to the PII faster so you can speed up review.
🌳🌳🌳Canopy data mining

ediscovery data mining

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See how Canopy's AI & machine learning algorithms shortened this partner's PII Review by thousands of hours.
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See how Canopy's Data Breach Response software leverages machine learning at every step, from PII detection through to generating a notification list.
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